5 Seconds of Summer


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about us : literally just a group of best friends who talk shit (lovingly) about the band 5 seconds of summer. we're also the longest living twt groupchat (confirmed)

members :
adele - @efytscarousels
audrey - @BAD0M3NSLRH
bri - @movingalongrry
jada - @222alaya
kaely - @littlefreakae
kat - @placeinmoney
kenna - @hazedtears
lex - @bleachemotions
liv - goldnshiningliv
madi - @punkjumpirwin
malia - @nightlymikey
mc - @makemealiar
mow - @CarameIHaze
natalie - @natalieeirl
rylee - @tobesoluke
shauna - @CARAM3LH00D
summer - @highsaigon
zoe - @ziggyzoe


we swear alot and use all caps. everyone in the gc is 18+. we are chaotic and so are our tweets. remember: do not piss off david.


please do not follow if you are going to be rude and spread negativity, disrepectful, hate on our stans, and fit other basic dfi criteria.